Relief World News

Helicopters deliver aid to damaged villages in the West Black Sea

Helicopters of the Ministry of National Defense deliver aid materials prepared by the Turkish Red Crescent (Kızılay) to unreachable villages due to the recent heavy floods in Turkey, which took many lives.

The West Black Sea region in Turkey has been impacted by floods due to heavy rainfall for more than a week, taking 81 lives and damaging the whole regions’ infrastructure.

With its’ logistics centers established in Sinop and Kastamonu, Kızılay helps transport aid materials by helicopter to Bozkurt and Ayancık villages that currently cannot be reached by any other vehicle.
Prepared aid materials are brought to the area by vehicles. Then, the aid is loaded on helicopters by volunteers and soldiers and is ready for delivery to said villages.

Aid parcels consisting of food, cleaning and hygiene materials, and other necessities are sent to the most suitable places in the villages and are distributed to those in need with the support of the villagers.

Kaynak : Kızılay

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