Setting the target of “a resistant society against disasters” in its 2030 strategy, Türk Kızılay gave basic disaster awareness training to more than 4 million people with its broadcast on its social media accounts on the anniversary of The 17 August Izmit earthquake. Those who followed the broadcast of the President of Türk Kızılay Dr. Kerem Kınık, ITU Faculty Member and Türk Kızılay General Advisor Prof. Dr. Miktad Kadıoğlu and Head of Türk Kızılay Istanbul Branch Kadem Ekşi, which lasted about 2 hours, registered with the data matrix given during the broadcast and received a participation certificate.
Within the scope of the activities to commemorate the 17 August earthquake, Türk Kızılay provided online basic disaster awareness and safe life training to millions of people at the same time.
The President of Türk Kızılay Dr. Kerem Kınık and ITU Faculty Member and Türk Kızılay General Advisor Prof. Dr. Mikdat Kadıoğlu organized a live educational program called “Earthquake 101 Disaster Preparedness Seminar” moderated by Kadem Ekşi, Head of Türk Kızılay Istanbul Branch. Participants were given certificates of participation after the online training program, which was published on the social media accounts of Türk Kızılay.
In addition to this, an interactive test was conducted during the program, in which the participants could see how prepared they were for the earthquake and the results were shared with the audience.
“Nobody will be able to reach you for three days”
The President of Türk Kızılay Dr. Kerem Kınık said in his statements, “We constantly tend to throw our responsibilities to someone else. The first responsible for our own life is us, and we are responsible for the lives of the people around us that we will reach out”.
Kınık stated that Turkey should switch to a ‘community-based disaster management system’ and said:
“The most critical task in disaster preparedness is ours, as individuals. The first 3 minutes, the first 3 hours, the first 3 days… These are the key periods of a disaster that we must be prepared separately. There is no chance for an expert to reach you in the first 3 hours. When we face a severe situation, professional aid will not reach us for at least 3 days. You have to stand for 3 days, look after your neighbor, and raise them. America accepts this period for 5 days. We must prepare earthquake bags. We should learn about the earthquake assembly areas on the e-government system, go to the closest assembly area, and get information from the authorities there. ”
“Do not use cars after the earthquake”
Listing the things that need to be done to be prepared and resistant to disasters, Kınık said, “We should make family disaster plans and bicycles should be provided for the drawbacks of motor transportation. After the earthquake, it will not be possible to move on the roads with vehicles. Also, private cars will make transportation difficult for aid teams. For this reason, bicycles should be preferred. It is essential to plan the evacuation of our disabled relatives and patients in need of care. Social solidarity is required for these individuals. For example, we all need to learn the First aid. If we do not know how to stop bleeding, it may yield negative consequences. Disaster preparedness starts with individuals first and then continues towards more massive formations. When buying a car, we ask if there is a problem. Then why don’t we ask these questions when buying a house?
Persons having impaired hearing should keep a whistle in different places. Our deaf brothers and sisters will not be able to hear our voices. For this reason, they will need to blow these whistles at regular intervals during the disaster.”
Türk Kızılay organizes in neighborhoods
Explaining that Türk Kızılay will start to organize in neighborhoods within the scope of earthquake preparedness, Kınık said, “We will get to know our neighborhood. As Türk Kızılay, we started to organize in the neighborhoods and streets. We will have Türk Kızılay volunteers in every neighborhood, and these volunteers will correct and report the current dangers ”.
Let’s skip the discussion… Earthquakes will occur!
Prof. Dr. Mikdat Kadıoğlu gave remarkable messages in the program. Stating that the debate on whether there will be an earthquake or not should be closed, and said, “We have to skip the debate, there will be an earthquake. What matters is what we are going to do when it happens. We need to prepare as if it will happen tomorrow. ”
Disaster Specialist Prof. Kadıoğlu said: “People who are not ready for disasters are divided into two, some freeze and some flee. Uncontrolled evacuation during disaster kills. Escaping is a problematic move. Escaping became the national sport in Turkey, and it is the biggest mistake. Overcoming this problem requires both mental and physical training.
People have to get out of the rotten building. It would be a miracle if measures such as lying down in a fetal position work in these buildings. The building must first be solid. When the building is solid, the thing that will harm us the most is the liquids and the falling stuff. For this reason, the “drop-cover-hold on” principle is very important. Many babies died because of the encyclopedias that fell on August 17. The items in the house need to be stabilized. The items move in such a way that the bedroom door does not open. People would not be able to open the door and enter other rooms. The building must be strong, and furniture must be stabilized before the earthquake hits. The windows explode at the moment of the earthquake and damage the people in the house. For this, it may be an excellent solution to cover the houses’ windows with windows tint. It prevents the glass from shattering. Schools must have substantial buildings and educated teachers. It is necessary to learn how to stop bleeding and a simple first aid, at least. First aid training and first aid kit are also essential. ”
Massive preparation for Istanbul
Head of Türk Kızılay Istanbul Branch Kadem Ekşi pointed out that there is a social consensus on earthquake preparations, and drew attention to the project carried out in Istanbul Branch on this subject and said, “We as a society agree that we have to start immediately. As Türk Kızılay, we are making preparations to create this awareness in 39 districts of Istanbul and 950 neighborhoods, especially those on fault lines. “We will achieve this together, with the spirit of national mobilization.”