There are several compounding drivers: conflict has displaced more than 600,000 people and highly affects humanitarian access. Afghanistan is also facing a major drought after a very poor precipitation season. After the Taliban’s return to power in August 2021, the economic outlook is very uncertain and pessimistic.
With a network of 75 partners across the country, WFP continues to deliver across all 34 provinces despite the challenging context, reaching 12.4 million people so far in 2021 (almost 3 million more than in all of 2020); this includes 5.5 million people in October alone. Cash-based transfers to tens of thousands of adolescent girl students were recently resumed after having been on hold for several months.
WFP is planning to ramp up its humanitarian assistance in 2022 to meet the food and nutrition needs of almost 23 million people in Afghanistan. In 2021, the total cost of operations in Afghanistan is expected to be US$ 510 million. The total expected cost of operations for 2022 is US$ 2.5 billion.
Source: WFP